THE MEANING OF the Libra Full Moon April 15, 2022 The Big Dream, the dream that is dreaming all of us, blossoms within the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune (exact Apr. 12), as much of the energy of April is...
VEGAN CARROT CAKE with Cordyceps and Mangosteen April 14, 2022 Moist, fluffy, spiced and boosted with cordyceps! Behold, a delicious and slightly different than the usual, carrot cake! 🍰🥕 Here we've added a homemade mangosteen orange peel jam to it...
HERBS AND TOOLS for Energetic Protection April 08, 2022 In 2016, archeologists in southern Virginia unearthed a strange glass bottle full of railroad spikes, buried on the outskirts of what used to be a grand family home. While some...
SCHISANDRA ROSE Love Cream Bites April 06, 2022 Schisandra Berry one of nature’s most prized adaptogenic remedies. Known to many as the “quintessence of tonic herbs,” schisandra is treasured for its incredible balancing abilities for mood, body, perception,...
ANCIENT TIPS for Spring Cleaning April 02, 2022 All of nature’s seasons bear their own unique gifts, but spring seems to be a special kind of offering from the earth. After the harshness and struggles of winter, we’re...
VITALITY GREENS Walnut Pesto on Hassleback Sweet Potatoes Recipe April 02, 2022 Spring is the time for all things fresh and vital. This Hasselback Sweet Potato recipe is a beautiful way to incorporate fresh spring greens into your daily routine. Featuring our...
POWERFUL AYURVEDIC SELF-CARE Rituals for Regeneration + Relaxation March 24, 2022 Ayurvedic medicine has a rich history, which was originally passed on through the oral tradition, then later recorded in Sanskrit in the four sacred texts called the Vedas. This ancient...
WHAT THIS WEEK'S Full Moon in Virgo Means for You March 17, 2022 The month of March features a ton of Pisces’ idealistic energy, and the Virgo Full Moon of March 18 would like us to find some ways to put it to...
GOLDEN MOON MILK Lemon Tart Recipe March 17, 2022 Behold the most perfect spring treat! This exquisite lemon tart is made with oat flour crust, enhanced with our beloved Golden Moon Milk, and sprinkled with added Blue Lotus to...
HOW TO MAKE Your Own Probiotics March 11, 2022 So many of us, myself included, buy expensive store-bought probiotics to bump up the gut flora when needed. But honestly, the most effective (and inexpensive!) probiotics out there, are those...
HOW DEEP BREATHING Boosts Your Immune System March 11, 2022 “There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then there’s another way; a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.” — Rumi Take...
HONORING AFRICAN Diaspora Herbs + Healers February 24, 2022 "Go back for it." - Sankofa Sankofa, an Adinkra symbol from Ghana, teaches us to look back into our past in order to move forward. This February, we are honoring...
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING