WHY YOU SHOULD Be Bathing in Butterfly Pea Flower July 29, 2022 The 8th Wonder of the World? All hail the Goddess and her Ayurvedic healing qualities!In Hindi, she’s called Koyala. Her Latin name is Clitoria ternatea because the flowers of her...
4 TYPES OF SPIRITUAL ORGASMS TO TRY July 22, 2022 “Women will only be truly sexually liberated when we arrive at a place where we can see ourselves as having sexual value and agency irrespective of whether or not we...
COSMIC LAYERED PANNA COTTA with Maple Salted Chocolate Sauce July 18, 2022 In celebration of our new Butterfly Pea Powder, which launches next week(!!), we present to you a 'Cosmic Layered Pannacotta' with maple chocolate sauce! This recipe, also featuring our Happiness...
WHAT JULY'S FULL Moon Means for You and Your Sign July 12, 2022 As the Sun floats through watery Cancer, the Moon is growing larger and larger until she will reach the sign of hardworking Capricorn and generate a Full Moon on July...
TOP 10 HERBS that Boost Collagen Naturally July 07, 2022 What's the deal with collagen? First and foremost, the 28 different known types of collagen are nearly everywhere in the body—in our tendons, skin, bones, blood vessels, and even internal...
STUFFED SWEET POTATO with Beet Hummus and He Shou Wu July 06, 2022 If you're craving a dish that features the gorgeous earthy flavors of some root veggies like beets and sweet potatoes, this recipe should be next on your list. Not only is...
A HEALTHY MOCKTAIL Guide, Hangover Free July 01, 2022 Taste's like a cocktail, but doesn't leave a headache. Mocktails are your new spirit-free summer treat. Cocktails sans alcohol have been around most likely since the mixed alcoholic beverage was...
PLANT CONSCIOUSNESS: Scientific Evidence Showing How Plants Think, Feelings, Sense and More June 23, 2022 Can plants think? Scientific findings over the course of the last decades now confirm the ancient knowing that plants can actually see, feel, smell and even argue! Plants can mount...
GLUTEN FREE VEGAN Strawberry Rose Sweet Rolls June 23, 2022 Behold! Gluten free, refined sugar free, collagen-boosting Cinnamon Rolls drizzled with a creamy rose glaze 🤩 Enhanced with our dirty rose chai collagen, these pillowy plush rolls look, taste, and feel GOOD, without all...
SUPPORTIVE HERBS for Queer Folx and Celebrating LGBTQIA+ June 18, 2022 In celebration of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ Pride Month (a.k.a. Gay Pride!) we’re taking you for a swim in the deep ancestral waters of androgynous spirit guides, supportive herbs for queer folx, and some bonus...
HAPPINESS ROSE LATTE June 17, 2022 Afternoon no coffee ☕️ pick-me-up that will gently nourish your adrenals, gut and kidneys. Swap out the second cup of heavy caffeine in the afternoon to allow your nervous system to...
FORAGING 101: DIGGING INTO the Dos and Don’ts June 13, 2022 Let’s get ready to get wild. Did you know that by 2050, it’s estimated that nearly 70 percent of the global population will live in cities? That means urban agriculture,...
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING