Uh oh! August 2024 looks to be a choppy month for many of us, and the August 19 Full Moon in Aquarius is keeping with that theme. The power of our minds and our speech will be highlighted, and we must be wary of any misplaced words that could do a lot of damage this week. On the flip side, carefully chosen words and deeds will have an even greater ability to break problematic or limiting behavioral patterns, relationships, or obligations. However, Mercury’s retrograde motion (August 4 - August 28) may have us revisiting the same issues several times before reaching a resolution.
Thanks to a tense story unfolding through the configuration of Venus opposite Saturn in a taut T-square to the boisterous Mars-Jupiter, we may witness grandiosity around us or our own outsized ambitions tripping us up. There is motivation for victory in Mars-Jupiter, but issues of loyalty, questions of “who/what do you really love?”, and what we’re willing to (or even should) endure will be entering into our inner monologue.
The much longer-term planetary aspects of Uranus sextile Neptune and Uranus trine Pluto could be helpful to bring into view, if we find our ambitions aroused or our loyalties tested. These two influences speak of aspirations, which by their nature are yet-to-be. As an acknowledgement that we aren’t there yet, our aspirations can provide the humility crucial for the sincere spiritual path, while simultaneously undermining our complacency. After all, without aspiration, our ideals and spiritual goals remain inert and will not connect with the change that is the fundamental basis of our cosmos.
As Jupiter makes its first exact square aspect to Saturn (August 19) in this year-long dance between distant futures (Jupiter) and remote pasts (Saturn), finding fruitful stability could be challenging. As much as we may wish to plunge ahead, dealing with Saturn’s devilish details will bring us the success that Jupiter promises. At the same time, in appraising our desires versus the results we may notice now, we might be wary of becoming overly critical as the Sun traverses Virgo (August 22 - September 22). That we are “still” longing for something or someone hardly means that we are failing. Taking time to celebrate even our smallest successes might be just what allows us to see clearly where we are, where we’re headed, and to what we might better aspire.

A Lunation for Living Our Aspirations
The luminous Aquarius Moon will electrify our skies, minds, and hearts on the evening of August 19, reaching her exact opposition to the warmth of the Leo Sun at 11:25 a.m. US/Pacific. This lunation falls firmly on retrograde Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun (exact August 18), while stirring the pot with its T-square aspect to the wild renegade planet Uranus. This potent energetic combination is sure to bring forth unanticipated information and emotions that could test even our most solid relationships or plans. Excitement is in the air, with some ambiguous edges—Is this positive? Negative? Can we even know what the ultimate outcome will be yet?
For many of us, this Full Moon could intensify ambitions and invoke the spirit of breaking away from the expected or the routine. This may prove a bit difficult, however, with a tense storyline narrated by Venus’ intimacies in opposition to the austerities and obstacles of Saturn as they form a high-strung T-square aspect with the grandiose championing energies of Mars conjunct Jupiter. Beware of impatience, an inflated sense of entitlement, or otherwise barging around with arrogant assumptions, as this could lead to a fall from great heights. While we may witness such falls from grace happening around us, all of us should be mindful of the impact of our words and intentions, as our words could be more consequential than usual. We could also benefit greatly from letting go of expectations so that we may more accurately understand whatever revelations are riding in on messenger Mercury’s long square aspect with protean Uranus (exact July 21, August 18, and September 6).

Uranus Sextile Neptune + Trine Pluto
Uranus Stationing Retrograde
Of course, the power to follow through on changing course, or to fully embrace the implications of whatever information comes to light, is not to be taken for granted. Our resolve could be tested so that we must return again and again to our guiding values and ideals, and not allow the machinations of others to pull us out of alignment with our own values. While some may get carried away in braggadocio, this same quality of time can be fruitfully channelized into aspiring to live our cherished guiding values and ideals. Uranus’ inspiring sextile to Neptune (August 2021 - May 2032) is growing closer and closer to exact, which supports efforts to revitalize our imaginations and nurture our spiritual practices.
Promethean Uranus is at the same time tightening its harmonious trine aspect with the Shakti power of Pluto (August 2021 - May 2032), and Uranus is stationing to turn retrograde (September 1), which amplifies its rebellious, youthful, and erratic influence in our skies. Uranus-Pluto is rocket fuel for humanity’s evolutionary path, and asks each of us to define our understanding of freedom, belonging and individuality. Uranus-Pluto will severely challenge our attempts to compromise what matters most to each of us as individuals, though the long trine aspect is quite supportive of our innovations.
Where we are inspired to move in completely new directions—or are otherwise propelled to do so—taking an aspirational stance could prove helpful. To aspire is to admit that we are yet to arrive at the ideal destination. Yet this deceptively simple move can shift us out of auto-pilot or simple pattern repetition and place us in a non-ordinary state of mind or orientation to being. It can serve as a positive awareness, an anchor point to a more distant horizon.

Mars Retrograde
We must keep in mind, however, that the momentum of Mars will enjoy a retrograde this year, entering the nostalgic sign of Cancer on September 4, which he will later retrograde back through. Take note of events and proceedings around these dates, as we are likely to receive a preview of some of what the upcoming Mars retrograde has in store for us. Mars’ retrograde period through Leo and Cancer will influence us most strongly from October 2024 to May 2025, bringing quite a bit of spice to the end of 2024. In general, Mars’ retrograde periods tends to have us reconsidering our mission or goals such that rooting into aspiration now could help us find the right pacing and order of operations prior to the retrograde’s renegotiation of our trajectory.

Full Moon in Aquarius by Moon Sign
The Aquarius Full Moon is charged with ambiguous excitement! Breaking with expectations, this lunation may benefit from our commitment to our most cherished values and aspirations.
How will the Full Moon in Aquarius impact your own Moon placement?
Aries Moon
Although you are typically known for your skill in moving on from the past, Aries Moon, this lunation could provide an opportunity to get clear of some ancient family patterns that you are ready to break. The Aquarius Full Moon just might connect you to projects, groups or ventures which were previously and mysteriously hidden from sight by an ancestral past that has been forgotten, but which did not forget its descendant.
Taurus Moon
The Aquarius Full Moon is shining a light on all the ways you nurture yourself, Taurus Moon. The sweet honey of locating a place of connection to Earth and to all the ways that you can soothe your body, heart, and mind will help you make the most of any revelations that unfold through September. Let your roots sink deep into the Earth, so that she may hold you with kindness and care.
Gemini Moon
Your dual nature is showing, Gemini Moon! Which will it be: grace through moderation, or catastrophe through self-sabotage? The Aquarius Full Moon may shed light on some competing parts of your soul; one is ripe for transformation, while the other is simply trying to connect the ideal to the real. If you do feel a fundamental conflict within your own being, try just observing, honoring, and staying with it. Don’t take sides—remain a dedicated, loving witness of what surprising resolution your own spirit can come up with!
Cancer Moon
There are only so many distractions left to pull you away from a core sense of belonging to this beautiful planet Earth and our boundless cosmos, Cancer Moon. The realization that it is safe to come home and inhabit your own belonging may dawn under the Aquarius Full Moon, as you break free from the trance of unworthiness, shame, or any other mistaken self-image.
Leo Moon
The wise King Solomon is often credited with the proverb “Pride comes before the fall,” and the Aquarius Full Moon may tempt you into a prideful, egotistical display, Leo Moon. Beware especially of letting friends or colleagues rile you up or stomp on your confidence so that you don’t react from a place of hurt or indignation. Maintaining your dignity will be the way to prove any opponents or detractors wrong, and steer you in the right direction.
Virgo Moon
What if you were free to simply love, Virgo Moon? What if all the conditions, what-abouts, and perceived inadequacies just evaporated from your heart? The Aquarius Full Moon is happy to illuminate your path to freedom.

Libra Moon
The Aquarius Full Moon is here to clear away the energy vampires in your life, Libra Moon. All those things which sap your creative energy—whether those come from limiting beliefs, ancient family patterns, or unhealthy people in your life—are up for review and release. A much deeper connection to your creative power is at hand.
Scorpio Moon
Cycles of renewal and rebirth are so important to your creative and generative contributions to your family and your communities, Scorpio Moon. The Aquarius Full Moon could help you shed so much dead weight, to trim the deadwood that hinders growth—if only you don’t resist. You may be surprised by how much enduring value flourishes when you trust and really let go.
Sagittarius Moon
Whatever has been bound up in confusion, Sagg Moon, will slowly dissolve under the penetrating light of the Aquarius Full Moon. In your search for clarity, do not grasp at the external world for answers. Instead, drop into your body, and listen to the truth that emanates from your very DNA. Whether it’s painful or joyously liberating news, there’s no turning back when you tap into your own depths for guidance.
Capricorn Moon
Remember to breathe, Capricorn Moon, as this lunation may illuminate a sense of being ungrounded or unmoored from the trajectory you thought you were on. A renewal is happening, as indicated by Pluto dipping back into your sign one last time from September 2 to November 19, so just let the Aquarius Full Moon ripple through your mind and body. Trust that your sense of direction is underground, receiving exactly the calibration it needs.
Aquarius Moon
This is your Full Moon of 2024, Aquarius Moon! What a dynamic energy to celebrate you with, especially when it comes to cultivating intimacy of all kinds and the trust which is integral to closeness. Whether this lunation ushers in an unsettling kind of excitement or simply a nervousness that can accompany an adjustment to a higher frequency of love and attunement to the Sacred Other in all things, the Aquarius Full Moon invites you to know that you are worthy of receiving and giving love.
Pisces Moon
The Aquarius Full Moon just might illuminate a crack in your cosmic egg, Pisces Moon, as the author Joseph Chilton Pearce described a human culture striving for a logical ordering of the Universe, which is in fact always one step beyond logic. Call upon your connection to angels, Malaikah, Devis and Devas, or whatever powerful divine beings you are closest to, in order to give birth to a fresh understanding of your role in the magical and mysterious web of life.