Aquarius + The “Zing Time”

For most of the world, January 19 inaugurates a thirty-day season best known as “Aquarius.”

As one of the zodiac’s three “Air” signs, Aquarius holds a preeminent influence over the oxygenation of the blood, specifically the oxygen-carbon exchange within each cell. Indeed, sub-oxygenation is a noted problem for some Aquarian natives!

Aquarius also governs the venous circulation (with Venus), the calves and ankles, the “quality of the blood,” the spinal nerves (with Sagittarius), and most essentially, that mysterious, little-known electrical system of the body. Coincidentally, the two parallel “zig-zag” lines composing Aquarius’ glyph resemble how we depict lightning bolts! Could Aquarius’ singular electrical correspondence cause the “undiagnosable” neuromuscular complaints and spasms famous for this sign? Or the noted inspirational genius of its children?

Aquarius plays host to midwinter’s day, or Imbolc, usually occurring on the fifteenth day of this sign (spanning February 1-3 this year). Astrally, Imbolc marks the energetically coldest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We refer here to an unseen energetic cold and not the temperature displayed by the thermometer. Obligingly, health issues typical to the entire season of Aquarius all run cold! Low blood pressure with cold extremities, anemia, venous insufficiency, fatigue, spasm, and depression are common. 

Sol rules the heart and experiences “his” ‘detriment’ in Aquarius, standing now opposite “his” sunny Leo mid-summer domicile. Traditionally, it was deemed essential to strengthen the heart’s function for what I’ve defined as “Aquarius Syndrome,” discussed more fully in my latest book, “The Twelve Zodiac Sign Syndromes of Medical Astrology.” Many Australian astrologers have noted similar effects despite their seasonal reversal. However, more testimonies are needed here.

The sensitive person can feel an exhilarating stir of some unknown force deep in the earth nearest Imbolc. This energy simultaneously feels cold and stimulating and seems to buzz or hum. For any better name, let’s call it “Zing.” The profoundly cold mid-winter earth sparks alive in preparation for spring, yet two months hence! Aquarian natives often emit this same cold yet stimulating “electrical” quality, either inspiring to their fellows or, conversely, confounding.

The Aquarius season is the ideal time of year to calm the spinal nerves, tonify the blood cells and veins, strengthen the heart, and improve oxygen uptake. Many sedative blue and violet flowering herbs treat Aquarian-type neural and mental sensitivities and spasms. However, we also require our uplifting red herbs and berries for this inwardly frozen time!

Of all signs, Aquarius is the most prone to neuromuscular spasms! Warm, stimulating, yet calming liniments for muscles, nerves, and joints are so helpful to Aquarian-dominant people, especially during the winter’s cold! We can learn more about astrological remediation at The Academy for Astrological Medicine.

Season’s Choice Formulae

Anima Mundi’s Apothecary offers several perfect “Zing Time” remedies! 

Ravensara Essential Oil fulfills many needed properties by assisting nerves and muscles when diluted in carrier oil and applied topically or used in aromatherapy.

The energizing, red-flowered Rhodiola is traditionally noted for improving oxygen uptake and alleviating depression. My top Season’s Choice is the bright Hawthorne Berry, a historic “must” for Aquarian heart fatigue, whereas the soothing Lavender, Tulsi, and Blue Lotus are “smoothing” to over-frayed nerves! For blood quality and circulatory assistance, try the Organic Nettles and Cordyceps. Nature generously remediates the inwardly chilly Zing Time! 

*Disclaimer: All astrological information is to be considered "hypothetical" and does not, therefore, constitute a medical opinion, fact, or directive. Please consult your physician if you are experiencing health concerns. Herbs should not be used without your physician’s consent.

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