GOING THE DISTANCE WITH FIERY HOT ARIES: What October’s Full Supermoon Means for You

GOING THE DISTANCE WITH FIERY HOT ARIES: What October’s Full Supermoon Means for You

The Aries Full Moon takes the shape of a supermoon in our skies on October 17 at 4:26 am US/Pacific, the largest and brightest the Moon will appear all year due to being at perigee or the closest to Earth it will come in its orbit.

The Aries supermoon coincides with the four outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all moving backward in the sky, with the titanic power of Pluto just leaving retrograde and starting to grind forward on October 11. We may feel that a larger arc of our lives has found footing amidst a lot of slowing down to reassess, measure, and calculate on different fronts.

The impetus to move forward is profound with this Full Supermoon, or to at least dramatize or otherwise express any energy that has been pent-up or misdirected, as the powerful combination of Mars opposite Pluto forms a tense Grand Cross aspect pattern with this lunation. Major events are likely to be set in motion on the larger world stage, and a more personal level, the question of agency or the ability to act comes to the fore. Mars opposite Pluto can be quite confrontational, and although we should be wary of being baited into fruitless or meaningless conflict with others, conflict may be necessary for setting appropriate boundaries.

Deep currents in the anima mundi or Soul of the World suggest that many will be in the mood for greater depth and honesty. It’s wise to demand transparency from ourselves before demanding it from others, and that lesson may be a thorny one that unfolds through the solar season of Scorpio. We may have to travel a metaphorical or literal labyrinth as we move through October, and it will be important to walk the entire spiraling path, all the way to and through the heart of what truly matters.

Full Supermoon in Aries

The fiery hot Aries Full Moon will pierce the eastern horizon on October 17, remaining low in the sky while reaching her maximum fullness at 4:26 am US/Pacific. The symbolism of appearing her largest and brightest all year as the third of four consecutive supermoons carries through the intensity of the planetary aspects the Moon will make, as does its moniker the Hunter’s Moon, for the beastly energy it suggests.

For many, the mood will be impulsive or reactive as the lightning-quick energy of Mars is amplified not only by the Full Moon occurring in Mars’ sign of Aries but by a tense Grand Cross aspect that draws in the depths of Pluto. The resulting tense high energy could show up as frustration or anger, or we may simply be bristling with pent-up energy that requires some outlet. The cosmic portrait indicates some unconsciousness about our self-assertion, perhaps the activation of some forceful part of our nature that is real but unrecognized by our conscious sense of self. Those who cope with conflict through people pleasing and avoidance may make important contact with their desired nature thanks to the stimulation of the Aries Full Moon. We could take real, physical strides towards our desires or initiate new habits under this lunation and the depths it churns up.

If we have been putting things off, this lunation could give us the push we need to break out of a cycle of procrastination, unhealthy entrancement, or addictions. The poet David Whyte depicts the struggle to connect with our destiny in his poem “All The True Vows,” writing: “There is only one life/ you can call your own/ and a thousand others/ you can call by any name you want./ Hold to the truth you make/ every day with your own body,/ don’t turn your face away.” 

We may want to pause to listen for a craving that resounds more deeply than all the surface desires that serve as poor substitutes for a more primal connection to spirit or soul. Particularly for overcoming addictions, it is easy to tell ourselves that we’ll tackle the issue tomorrow. Or we’re under some stress or pressure that makes this a bad time to break with a destructive habit or relationship. There is never a good time. Now is a good time.

Sun Opposite Chiron

Sun T-square to Mars and Pluto

Venus Opposite Uranus

This preference for action characterizes nearly half of October. The radiance of the Sun is energizing the powerful moves of the much longer Mars opposite Pluto (exact November 3, 2024, January 2, and April 26, 2025) influence for a solid week before and after the Aries Full Moon, and the Sun’s opposition to the profound vulnerability of Chiron (exact October 13) could bring into focus everything that seems like an external obstacle.

Some of us, however, will be encountering the reflection of our inner knots, and taking time to understand our role in bringing about those obstacles could help us avoid similar situations in the future. Together with the opposition between amorous Venus and innovative Uranus (exact October 14), we may deeply re-evaluate those we allow in our social sphere, checking that we are still walking along an aligned path. For some, this could show up in major career decisions or crossroads moments, for others, it may be finding or rekindling an interest or leisure activity that changes our social networks and brings in vibrant, new connections.

Mercury Square Pluto

Mercury and Venus in Scorpio

A hunger for congruency, authenticity, and meaningful truth is a large part of October’s pull as well, with the society of Venus and the communication of Mercury traveling the deeply intuitive sign of Scorpio and further empowered by Pluto stationing or appearing to stand still in the sky to return to direct motion on October 11. All things under reconstruction in our lives may start to chug ahead with Pluto, but Mercury’s stressful square aspect to the lord of the underworld Pluto (exact October 13) reminds us that insight cannot be achieved by going only halfway.

Those who have walked labyrinths, one of humanity’s oldest surviving contemplative tools dating back 4,000 years or more, may notice the way its design carries the seeker close to the central chamber and immediately away again. It weaves in once again next to the center or end point of the great maze of inquiry, and pops back out to the edge again, flirting with the center many times. It is not enough to just stand at the edge of the interior, thinking a glimpse will grant full knowledge. No, the labyrinth beckons us to complete the journey, all the way to the inner recesses and back out again to meet the world, to see and be seen anew.

Full Supermoon in Aries by Moon Sign

The Moon represents who we are before we even think about who we are. She represents our instinctual self and describes our deepest vulnerabilities, as well as our most profound capacity to connect with others. Full Moons amplify energy and emotions, and this Supermoon brings to light deeper cravings for power or assertion that may have been previously hidden or underplayed. Let’s see how the Aries Full Moon impacts your own Moon placement!

Aries Moon

This is your Full Moon of 2024, Aries Moon! Your striving for a place under the Sun is greatly magnified by this lunation, and you can be assured you do have a rightful place. Getting to the heart of any inner conflict between needs and desires, or between personal aspirations and duties to others may take on a tone of urgency under these skies. Don’t ignore any such inner conflicts—you may want to heighten them to catch a glimpse of insight from the tension itself.

Taurus Moon

The Aries Full Moon may unleash a torrent of small voices warning against what is to come, all the old fears and stories of what may happen if you respond to a powerful call to initiate a new chapter or iteration of your life. Use mindfulness to see through these old stories, Taurus Moon, and make friends with these younger parts of you. Bold action can bring you a desirable new adventure.

Gemini Moon

The generous and expansive quality of Jupiter is now magnified in your sign, Gemini Moon, as he has slowed down to return to direct motion. The Aries Full Moon may shed light on a change underway or just starting to come through, and rather than judging such changes as “bad” or “good,” try staying present with what is happening, and allowing an enlarged vision of your future to reveal itself.

Cancer Moon

Your ability to manifest intentions is amplified by the Aries Full Moon. The challenge may come in aligning with and believing that you can have what you want, Cancer Moon. Take care to not unconsciously broadcast a desire for what you fear or to become entangled with things that are passing away, Cancer Moon. You just may get what you’re asking for.

Leo Moon

You might take some time to reflect on the sources of your confidence under the Aries Full Moon, as old insecurities may try to cloud your otherwise good judgment. Be wary of undermining your interests, Leo Moon, and first assume that others are acting with good intentions before jumping to any conclusions you might later regret.

Virgo Moon

What part of you is yearning to be rescued from the underworld, Virgo Moon? The Aries Full Moon is shining a light on some part(s) of you that have been stuffed away and would like to come out to play. Play and enjoyment may be a big part of what’s tugging at you, as reminders of what it means to live a good life.

Libra Moon

You may feel rather embattled in the area of love and connection, Libra Moon, both in terms of how you hold yourself and how you feel held by others. The Aries Full Moon is asking you to dig deeper for the source of unconditional love and to resource yourself there. You might engage with the healing power of the rose flower to help your heart soften into the dance of trust and intimacy.

Scorpio Moon

The Aries Full Moon offers a chance to step away from any entrenched battles you’ve been in, whether fought on the inside or with others and to see the greatness you’re made of, Scorpio Moon. Whether it’s breaking out of the trance of unworthiness or letting go of impossible expectations of others, a deeper connection with your higher self is on offer to you.

Sagittarius Moon

Why a sudden rush of vulnerability, Sag Moon? Waves of emotion may try to throw you off balance under the Aries Full Moon and the source of the tumult may be a bit confusing to track down. Your commitment to your vision may be tested now, and it may be helpful to bless and release ancestral burdens, the fears of previous generations that have no place in your present life.

Capricorn Moon

Track how your daydreams or your night dreams may be interweaving with your waking world, or any synchronicities between these different states of consciousness, Capricorn Moon. The Aries Full Moon is energizing your intuition, which could help you to move your goals forward, and overcome difficulties with communication.

Aquarius Moon

Perhaps you have been working very hard at understanding something that has eluded you so far, Aquarius Moon. Know that a process of purification is signaled by the Aries Full Moon, and though it may seem as if you’re just stuck down in the muck, your intuition is set to blossom, bringing clarity and calm.

Pisces Moon

The Aries Full Moon is offering you the power to plunge into your depths, Pisces Moon, should you choose. You could unburden your heart and Soul from any energetic hitchhikers, as well as ancestral and karmic patterns that have outlived their purpose.

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