HERBS FOR PREGNANCY, Postpartum + Breastfeeding March 02, 2023 If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re expecting, recovering from giving birth, or preparing to bring a new being into the world. Or maybe you have a loved one...
IS YOUR PROTEIN powder clean? 😵 What To Look For In Truly Clean Protein January 25, 2023 If you think protein supplements are only for fitness fanatics and bodybuilders, you might be shocked to know that many nutritionists, herbalists, and medical professionals also recommend these essential macronutrient...
9 HERBS TO Kick The Winter Blues December 21, 2022 With the days getting shorter and shorter and the light we may take for granted at other times dimming earlier and earlier, many of us may experience feelings of sadness...
YOUR HERBAL FIRST Aid Kit Needs These 15 Plants August 19, 2022 Did you know that natural and traditional remedies predated many prescription medicines now on the market? Chinese, Indian, and Arabic herbal medicines have cumulatively relied on over 53,000 species of...
TOP 10 HERBS that Boost Collagen Naturally July 07, 2022 What's the deal with collagen? First and foremost, the 28 different known types of collagen are nearly everywhere in the body—in our tendons, skin, bones, blood vessels, and even internal...
PLANT CONSCIOUSNESS: Scientific Evidence Showing How Plants Think, Feelings, Sense and More June 23, 2022 Can plants think? Scientific findings over the course of the last decades now confirm the ancient knowing that plants can actually see, feel, smell and even argue! Plants can mount...
SUPPORTIVE HERBS for Queer Folx and Celebrating LGBTQIA+ June 18, 2022 In celebration of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ Pride Month (a.k.a. Gay Pride!) we’re taking you for a swim in the deep ancestral waters of androgynous spirit guides, supportive herbs for queer folx, and some bonus...
FORAGING 101: DIGGING INTO the Dos and Don’ts June 13, 2022 Let’s get ready to get wild. Did you know that by 2050, it’s estimated that nearly 70 percent of the global population will live in cities? That means urban agriculture,...
HERBS AND TOOLS for Energetic Protection April 08, 2022 In 2016, archeologists in southern Virginia unearthed a strange glass bottle full of railroad spikes, buried on the outskirts of what used to be a grand family home. While some...
HONORING AFRICAN Diaspora Herbs + Healers February 24, 2022 "Go back for it." - Sankofa Sankofa, an Adinkra symbol from Ghana, teaches us to look back into our past in order to move forward. This February, we are honoring...
10 HERBALISM SCHOOLS for the Herb Curious January 14, 2022 At Anima Mundi we understand the powerful pull to learn about working more in-depth with herbs and plants. That cosmic connection that some feel to the Earth goes well and...
ALL ABOUT CBD: A Brief History of Hemp and It's Benefits October 20, 2021 So, what exactly is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 cannabis compounds found in hemp. CBD activates the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which has been scientifically found to...
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING
WHAT IS IMMUNOMODULATION? Why Having an Adaptive Immune System Is Vital in Today’s World CONSCIOUS LIVING