From our Herbs & Astrology Series
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the most distant that can be seen with the naked eye. Saturn is the second largest planet and is best known for its fabulous ring system that was first observed in 1610 by the astronomer Galileo Galilei. Ancient Greeks and Romans, associated Saturn to the God of time (Cronus) and space, ruling the manifest world as we know it.
In medical astrology, Saturn is associated with the hard structures that hold our body, like the skeletal system, the knees, joints, and teeth. Saturn also corresponds with the processing of minerals within the body, particularly our kidneys (and urinary bladder). In esoteric anatomy, this is usually associated to “the processing of spirit”, the kidneys in itself are also seen as the doorway to spirit. Saturn is also associated to the gallbladder, and the skin. For example, Chanca Piedra herb is a masterful gallbladder tonic, that also naturally works with the skin as it increases bile production, clearing out old stagnant toxins. One of the main organs in-charge of skin health is our detoxifying organs like the gallbladder.
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Although Saturn is regarded by many people as representative of undesirable energy, and hard experiences, the nature of saturn’s energy in our lives provides us with key lessons required for our growth and survival. The Universe is wise, recognizing that we do not learn and grow when things are easy, but require ongoing maintenance and endurance, if we are to become strong. The lessons of Saturn teaches us discipline.
The energies of Saturn are those which rule the inheritance of karma. Archetypally, Saturn (in a nutshell) provides us protection, shielding, courage, endurance, restriction, self-control and challenge. Saturn gets a bad reputation because it embodies the challenges we stumble upon as we go down life’s path. However, it is the overcoming of these challenges that the lessons of Saturn are learned. Saturn is the trajectory and the achievement over time, the essence of challenge, as well as the treasures of wisdom earned over the hardships. Saturn, considered the lord of time, embodies our karmic inheritance, the lessons and patterning of ancestral heritage, and how we conduct it within our lives.
Interestingly enough Saturn is also said to rule our sensory organs, not the experience of sound, but the actual physical organs that enable hearing. Pretty appropriate, isn't it?!
Medical astrologers have found distinctive moments in peoples lives where imbalances to Saturnian ruled body parts are triggered during key Saturn transits. Key imbalances are gallstones (and gallbladder removal), kidneys imbalances like kidney stones, gout; structural difficulties like arthritis and rheumatism, and/or with ones own bones (breaking bones, bone marrow dis-ease, etc.)
If there is any planetary correspondence of herbs which teaches us the wisdom of making change it is that found through Saturn. These herbs help us let go so that we can begin moving forward with our lives. Saturnian herbs will help recognize what is needed to transcend limitation. As well as helping develop structure in our own lives, they provide an understanding of the essential qualities of structure, supporting us in grounding-out the dream, in order to manifest.
Herbs of Saturn tend to be masculine, grounding, astringent, cold, and without moisture (with a couple vital exemptions like comfrey, Solomon’s seal and milky oats). Saturnian herbs tend to be those that thrive in places where other herbs would struggle to survive - dry, barren soil, or areas that receive little sun.
Here are a couple examples on some popular herbs and how they transmit Saturnian energy.
Interestingly enough, 2 Saturnian herbs that are somewhat foul-smelling herbs to most people are asafoetida and valerian (I actually love how they smell!). Both of these herbs are powerful anti-spasmodics, acting to limit and sedate potential overflows of energy. Asafetida is an Ayurvedic spice/herb used as an anti-viral, limiting the spread of bacteria, while Valerian limits chaos in the nervous system.
Other Saturnian herbs like horsetail, rich in silica and minerals popularly used for bone health for centuries (Saturn as a metabolic energy for essential minerals); arnica, potent wound and skin healer, nettle leaf and root highly mineralizing also know for bone health, alike comfrey.
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H E R B S o f S A T U R N

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Coconut Yogurt
Starting the day with high fat, collagen rich, fermented, adaptogenic goodness. Featuring our plant collagen composed of Saturnian Herbs.
1 cup coconut yogurt
1.5 tbsp unrefined raw cacao powder
1tsp Plant Collagen
Rose Petals
Optional: 1tsp Adaptogenic Mushroom powder
1-2tsp Maple Syrup or Honey (sweeten as desired)
1Tbsp Coconut Cream Powder
Combine all of your ingredients in a blender, or whisk intensively until all powders are dissolved. Blend for about 10 seconds, serve and enjoy! Top with blueberries, rose petals and coconut cream powder.
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P H O T O G R A P H Y :
Lotus Drawing by Katie Scott
Coconut Yogurt by Renee Schuman