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Astrology of the week of March 18, 2019 - March 25, 2019
~ Here we are again zooming into the peak week of the month ~
We welcome in the first of two Libra Full Moons of 2019 at 6:42 pm US/Pacific on March 20, 2019, coinciding with the equinox which heralds the start of the northern spring and the southern autumn. With the centering Sun’s entry into Aries only a few hours before, the assertive and reactive energy of warrior Mars is brought to the fore. Yet it is quickly confronted by the kind and accommodating manner of the Libra Moon, which activates Venus, the goddess of love. The polarity of Aries/Mars and Libra/Venus is a quintessential love story—it describes the necessity of the individual (Mars) in creating relatedness (Venus). Yet this is not a one-way street because relatedness (Venus) is necessary for the creation of individuals (Mars) with our desires, passions, joys, and creativity. But with the close conjunction of the heroic Sun with the complicated pain of Chiron, this Full Moon points towards our tendency to react as well as our capacity to choose to act. Chiron has just entered Aries for the next eight years and will encourage us to inspect our experience of being a separate self, of pursing our own “selfish” desires and bringing awareness to the relationship between choice and resulting action.
Sociable Venus’ recent trip (Feb. 15 - Mar. 1) through the currently stormy seas of Capricorn, which will be tossed by the world-shaping conjunction of Saturn and Pluto for the next couple of years, brought our intimate, energy exchanges, finances, and friendships under close scrutiny. The light and fun flirt may have taken a serious turn, or the veil was lifted on misperceptions of those spheres of our lives, for better or for worse. The Full Moon is always a time of high energy and suggests a crescendo or finale of any fallout from Venus’ recent time with Saturn and Pluto. Or there may be a further adjustment into a new arrangement of Venusian topics of love, intimacy, social relations, money, and sharing. With Chiron’s influence mentioned above, we may be challenged to reevaluate our ideas of what it means to be “selfish,” whether in recognizing truly detrimental self-centered behavior or in understanding that it is okay to have our own desires, needs, and trajectory. Have we been acting as only a mirror of someone else’s need or desire? Have we fought others’ battles and neglected our own position? Have we been using a strategy of appeasing others and it is now failing us?
Relational Venus and argumentative Mars are also making an exact square with this Libra Full Moon, agitating our likes and dislikes to bring differences to the surface. Mending bridges or negotiating with others will actually require us to identify with our own will, rather than retreating into a defensive posture which assumes someone else has more influence, authority or say in the way we show up around Venusian topics. Mars also makes an easeful exact trine to power-mongerer Pluto, adding to the energy of assertion. Yet we should consider moving at the pace of our slowest parts when it comes to negotiations, confrontations and joining our energy with others. Our high-minded ideals of how scenarios or how we ourselves should be may not align with the reality of our hurts, uncertainties and differing value systems.
Adding to the brew, we have communicative Mercury in retrograde conjoining fantastical Neptune in the middle of Pisces, as Mercury approaches its return to direct motion on Mar. 28. The attempt to bridge different realities could be quite confusing as we attempt to logically sort through disagreements. It's important to invite creativity and intuitive insight (Neptune) as we attempt to sort through the logic (Mercury) of disagreements and misunderstandings (Mercury's retrograde). This influence, in particular, accentuates Venus by inviting us to understand each other on an emotional level and honoring others’ feelings as real and separate and distinct from one’s own. Recognizing another’s distress, which may be in opposition to our own feelings of victimization (for example), can make a bridge of understanding which doesn’t require anyone to give up their own experiences and feelings. Understanding that relationships happen between separate entities—and are impossible when we are merged with others—could come in waves of revelation over the next two weeks.
Cosmic Sightings by astrologer Erica Jones

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Welcome to the equinox and the Libra Full Moon at 6:42 pm US/Pacific on March 20, 2019! This week centers on the experience of being an individual involved in creating and maintaining a relationship, and all the ways we find it hard to be an individual with our own will, needs, and desires. Any recent readjustments to the Venusian parts of life—finances, intimacy, friendship, energy exchange—may reach a crescendo or finale point as we consider what it means to be “selfish.” Mercury's continuing retrograde motion invites us to connect on emotional levels as logical understanding could be hard to achieve during negotiations with important relationships. But the understanding that relationships happen between separate entities—and are impossible when we are merged with others—could come in waves of revelation over the next two weeks.