The Scorpio Full Moon of April 23 is the first lunation after passing through eclipse season, and brings a bounty of energy!
Some of us will experience the joy of affirmation or the birth of something new, as old storylines have finally played themselves out. Others of us may have a difficult time with surges of emotion that may be hard to make sense of until a few days pass and the mists clear.
This is partly because the mind of Mercury will appear to stand still in the sky as they return to direct motion on April 25, also presenting a bit of a challenge with expressing our own will.
If we instantly fly into a rage over a communication we receive, it is wise to walk away and take a moment before reacting—miscommunications or misunderstandings can be particularly potent, especially in their consequences, all the way through the first week of May.
The warrior Mars deeply affects the mind represented by Mercury while Mercury is in Aries (until May 15), and Mars is also conjoining the diffusive power of Neptune (exact April 28).
This makes our words travel that much more deeply into their intended target, which can bring great healing and also great wounding. Carelessness can come with a great cost—and equally so, taking care of each other can be so nurturing and generate life.
Venus, the goddess of connection and reciprocity will eventually move into her home sign of Taurus (April 29 to May 23), shifting the sky story into a less tense and quite creative composition of six planets moving through sensual, earthy Taurus throughout the month of May.
However, the social graces of Venus are a bit hard to grasp until she moves past a challenging square aspect with the fires of Pluto (exact April 30), which is likely to turn up areas of vulnerability in relationships. The cosmic influences surrounding the Scorpio Full Moon might teach us so much about showing up to participate in life through an honest self-appraisal of how we pursue power—which can be simply defined as the ability to cause or prevent change.

Scorpio Full Moon
The light of the Scorpio Full Moon will cascade over eastern horizons on the evening of April 23, reaching the moment of its exact opposition to the Taurus Sun at 4:48 p.m. US/Pacific. This lunation is a moment of very energetic fruition for the intensely anticipated April 8 solar eclipse a few weeks ago. The Full Moon’s tight and tense T-square aspect with Pluto is likely to spark or fuel a process of rebirth depending on where it falls in our natal chart. For some it could represent a joyous affirmation of old stories giving way to new ones. Others of us will have to summon monumental discipline to channel emotional upwellings away from destruction and into a regenerative expression.
Where this Full Moon has a more disturbing quality, it could be quite difficult to accurately understand what is so upsetting. Slowing down and taking the time required to be responsive rather than reactive will go a long way to knowing what must pass away and what is worth maintaining in our lives. We might regret acting too hastily, as hard as it may be to slow down. And whether we welcome what boils up under this Full Moon or find it challenging, it helps to maintain a strong presence to our own emotional realities and needs, as these will steer us towards what serves. Perhaps a power struggle is what must happen, but the best guidance will come from within, rather than being jerked around by another’s desires or manipulations.

Mercury Stationing Direct
Mars Conjunct Neptune
Even as we may strive for connection with our own true will, we will still have to deal with a haze over our thought processes, as clarity is hampered by Mercury ending retrograde motion by stationing direct on April 25. It may take a few days for the mental mists to burn off so we can properly see the horizon, which may look considerably different than we thought it did. Mercury is in the hot and direct sign of Aries, but the ruler of Aries, Mars, is in a soggy conjunction with Neptune (exact April 28), which may make it harder than usual to access logical and linear thinking. Yet the influence of the Mars-Neptune conjunction would favor our more diffuse ways of knowing, and the powers of intuiting the wholeness that surrounds us. Particularly if we need to inquire into what direction to move, it could be more fruitful to wait and sort through it a few days after April 25, once the mind of Mercury is back up to speed.
We should also be mindful of Mars-Neptune’s effect on Mercury’s communication processes, since Neptune can boost the penetration of the direct and often aggressive energy of Mars. We should choose our words wisely for they may drive deep and do a great deal of good, whereas careless words could likewise do a great deal of harm.
Mars also represents our muscles and motivation, and with his conjunction to spiritualizing Neptune, we might benefit from attuning to the quiet wisdom of the body. Encouragement and connection may whisper its way through our joints and muscles, or in the grace of spontaneous movement. Whether we have a formal practice of yoga asana, tai chi, qigong, martial arts or a style of dance, connecting with movement that works with subtle layers of our being can offer support and guidance through the first week of May. If our physical movement is restricted, even journeying through movement using the mind or noticing the subtle energies moving through the body can yield insight and connection to our sense of direction and our own true will.

Venus Conjunct Chiron
Venus Into Taurus + Square Pluto
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
In contrast to Mars’ pursuit of relationship, we have Venus’ more receptive end of the relational spectrum highlighted by the Sun’s traverse of the Venusian sign of Taurus (April 19 - May 20). The planet of harmony and love, Venus, is in rough condition for the remainder of April, as she contends with an uncomfortable location in Aries, whose qualities can make graceful connection challenging. She must also digest a conjunction with the primal vulnerability of Chiron (exact April 21), which can bring up questions of how we inhabit our own desires and express those in the world. Many of us will experience irritations where we need to be more assertive around our boundaries and social obligations.

Venus will have an easier time expressing love and connection once she enters Taurus on April 29 (until May 23), and the outlook for the month of May is considerably more gentle and soothing, as a total of six planets dance through sensual, bucolic Taurus. But Venus must first pass the threshold of a tense square aspect with obsessive Pluto (exact April 30). When it comes to asserting what we want or desire, this may be a bit of compulsive time, and while Venus-Pluto can be a deeply creative combination, the square aspect suggests we have some work to do. Hatred and animosity tends to flourish where we feel we are powerless—that we lack the ability to cause or prevent change—and perhaps this is coming from a denial of our relatedness.
Drawing upon the powerful liberatory influence of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (exact April 20), an honest self-appraisal of how we pursue power could make very good use of the current sky story. It is tempting to obsess about others’ actions, but it could be just that obsession which maintains a story of powerlessness. Whether this perspective applies to your life and activities or not, one of the main communications of the Scorpio Full Moon is that meaning emerges from participation in life, not from sitting back in abstract contemplation of it. It matters a great deal where we source our agency from, or as the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung put it: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.”
Full Moon in Scorpio by Moon Sign
The Moon represents who we are before we even think about who we are. She represents our instinctual self, and she describes our deepest vulnerabilities, as well as our most profound capacity to connect with others. Full Moons amplify energy and emotions, and this one is inviting us to look within for guidance, as we respond to our Soul’s call to walk more deeply into the world.
Let’s see how the Scorpio Full Moon impacts your own Moon placement!
Aries Moon
What are you so defensive against, Aries Moon? Changes in your financial outlook seem to hinge largely on your attitude towards working together with what the cosmos is cooking up for you. The Scorpio Full Moon will put a spotlight on the power of collaboration and the vulnerability that will carry you towards your Soul’s desire.
Taurus Moon
Keep your curiosity piqued under this lunation, Taurus Moon. It may seem like you have the full picture of who’s doing what to whom in any kind of drama that may be unfolding under the Scorpio Full Moon, but there is sure to be something more that you could know. An open mind will bring more satisfactory results.
Gemini Moon
It’s so much better to get it all out than to try to hold it in, Gemini Moon. But if you’re looking for more graceful expressions in saying what must be said, remember those moments when you were hurting and needed kindness. Authentic compassion for others will also protect you under the Scorpio Full Moon, as much as anyone or anything else.
Cancer Moon
You may think this is a wacky perspective, Cancer Moon, but this lunation looks like a sweet release from some old, old troubles. For some of you, it could be quite painful as your tendency to sentimentality undermines your ability to embrace change, even when it’s something you want. But, others will easily recognize that the Scorpio Full Moon is bearing a great blessing, too.
Leo Moon
You may find out you have more of an emotional stake in something than you thought, Leo Moon! Making a space for those feelings under the Scorpio Full Moon can really support rooting your actions in your most important values—just be certain to give your own heart its full voice.

Virgo Moon
If you end up feeling humbled under the Scorpio Full Moon, take heart. Your sense of proportion can grow or shrink to its right size if you let your idea of high-mindedness or propriety come down to Earth, Virgo Moon. What a relief it is to be so unburdened!
Libra Moon
Your creative breakthroughs may be starting to push up against some false boundaries set by your self-esteem, Libra Moon. The Scorpio Full Moon would like to remind you that you are worthy and capable—just keep growing a more accurate sense of yourself. Don’t let anyone’s negativity or nonsense drag you down.
Scorpio Moon
It’s your Full Moon of 2024, Scorpio Moon! And what a powerful affirmation! Your quest for truth may try to make you into a perpetual motion machine, but the depths that beckon your curiosity need your stillness. If you can draw forth enough silence, you just may break through barriers to the intimacies with others that you so crave, and perhaps secretly fear.
Sagittarius Moon
Go easy on yourself, Sag Moon, this Scorpio Full Moon may have you a bit twisted up inside. Showing yourself kindness and compassion can undo the knots, and steer you towards making amends or otherwise righting the ship that carries your relations.
Capricorn Moon
Raw realities may present themselves under the Scorpio Full Moon, and you may feel some urgency around confronting the issue. Stopping to breathe and feel your own body, and exploring what role you yourself have played in creating the dilemma or impasse will help you bring a steady hand, Capricorn Moon, and serve your most cherished values.
Aquarius Moon
This Scorpio Full Moon could have you puzzling over your social standing or public persona, Aquarius Moon. Whether the time is ripe for another wrinkle of your evolution or this is just a check-in, reflect on any feedback from your close peers or siblings, because they could help you find or maintain your divine alignment.
Pisces Moon
Don’t be surprised if the crusader in you is brought to life under the Scorpio Full Moon. Let your aspirations drive you, but don’t exclude your own well being from your acts of service, Pisces Moon, lest you miss the bigger picture. Your personal motivations for doing good in the world can provide important navigational aids and keep you from getting lost in the fray.