Whether you're opting to travel for the holidays to spend time with distant loved ones or staying at home, one thing's for sure; boosting your immune system is of the utmost importance. No one likes getting sick. That's where our plant medicine family comes into play.

We've taken our top natural antibiotics, anti-virals, immune protective botanicals potent in Vitamin C and made SOMA.

Packed with seven powerful mushrooms, plus the added benefits of Schizandra berries and Rose Petals.

Did you know that the medicinal properties of mushrooms are better absorbed when paired with vitamin C?

Well, we've done just that to superpower the benefits. Our broken cell wall elixir contains 100% organic and locally grown mushrooms extracted in organic cane alcohol and organic vegetable glycerin.

What's all this fuss about cell wall extractions?

Our mushroom tonic & elixir are broken cell wall extractions. Meaning that we simmer them at a low and consistent temperature, for a period of 3 days. Then we extract it for 2 moon cycles, for it to finish macerating within our chosen extractors.

Bottom line: we're not playing around!

On top of our unique extraction process, we use organic glycerin to extract the rose petals and rose geranium for this elixir. It's extracted using reverse osmosis water and organic cane alcohol to ensure high bio-availability!

In Indian folklore, SOMA was a legendary drink of the Gods. This drink was said to grant immortality and absolute wisdom. To drink the Soma in sacred communion meant to receive the power of ecstasy, divine vision, and healing of all illness.

To us, SOMA denotes the divine intelligence infused into the entire plant kingdom. The medicinal properties of this formula are known to protect the immune system and vitality, soothe the lungs, increase endurance, help manage stress through its adaptogenic chemistry, enhance the digestive system, and acts as a natural anti-biotic.
Photos + Recipe by: @sculptedkitchen
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