The Waters Within
We can whimsically imagine how the water Nymphs (Naiads) must feel this winter! Their Water element has been severely compromised for months because both traditional “malefics,” (Mars and Saturn) are traveling through the Water signs. Chilly Saturn has been slowly freezing Pisces’ waters, while feisty Mars has been simultaneously “boiling” sister water sign Cancer for months! This energetic conundrum peaks during the reign of the Water sign Pisces (February 18 - March 20).
What could this mean physically? First, these two water signs co-govern the lymphatic system. Pisces rules the extracellular matrix, that great ocean within that lies between our capillary walls and our cells. This sign is also held to govern the whole lymphatic system and feet, although Cancer indeed governs the thoracic duct and the lymphatics of breast tissue (and much else besides).
We could postulate that Saturn’s influence would slow the fluidic exchanges within the ECM (extracellular matrix) and/or the lymphatic uptake of these fluids into the lymphatic vessels. Cold Saturn slows and obstructs. Mars has a different affect—tending to dump toxins and wastes wherever he wanders.
Saturn in Pisces brings “frozen water,” and Mars’ heat in Cancer suggests “dirty water” with the potential to increase cellular inflammation. The former needs warmth and stimulation, and the latter requires assistance removing excess toxins from the upper lymphatics, breasts, and bloodstream. We learn more about astral-energetics in our monthly forecasts at The Academy for Astrological Medicine.
For good health, we all require clean, flowing waters within! Thank goodness specific herbs exist to support internally compromised waterways! These are the herbal “lymphagogues.” Traditional blood-cleansing herbs called “alternatives” are also utilized.

A drying, warm lymph mover just perfect for soggy lymphatics is Calendula. In contrast, Dandelion Root is a noted “specific” for clearing sign Cancer-ruled breast tissue, and Burdock Root is a favorite overall cleanser. Sarsaparilla assists in removing toxins from the bloodstream while profoundly balancing our hormones, up or down (Dorothy Hall). Opt for a deliciously spiced Golden Sun Milk Chai to support winter immune strength and offset chill.
The Water signs also influence our receptive psyche, memories, and emotional state, as well as our sleep life and sexuality. Unbalanced, the astral temperature extremes now influence the Water element and may act to stimulate a host of negative emotions or insomnia.
Season’s Choice Formulae
The sensitive person requires more psychic protection at this time! Fortunately, Anima Mundi’s cosmic cupboard is replete with a vast selection of fine auric shield protectors. My preferred essential oils would be holy Frankincense, a dispeller of fear and negativity, and calming Tulsi. For the emotionally frozen, Bhutan Cypress is so refreshingly stimulating.
Rose Otto Anointing Oil is a balm to the saddened heart yearning for peace and protection. For clearing space: Palo Santo Water (or any of the former choices).

It is incredible to behold how perfectly the herbal kingdom provides perfect antidotes for all astrological imbalances!
*Disclaimer: All astrological information is to be considered "hypothetical" and does not, therefore, constitute a medical opinion, fact, or directive. Please consult your physician if you are experiencing health concerns. Herbs should not be used without your physician’s consent.