The Taurus Full Moon of November 15 will stir the instincts, bringing a wave of emotional agitation or excitement on the high tides of this lunation. Self-restraint in ourselves or others may be in short supply as we are eager to tell people what we really think and show what is underneath the social graces or the acceptable personae we usually wear. With a bit of discipline and compassion for our shortcomings, we could use this lunation to bring parts of the self out of the shadows of awareness and into exploration.
We may experience quite a bit of back and forth or push and pull as the mental power of Mercury heads into the final retrograde of 2024, remaining wholly in the philosophical sign of Sagittarius. Mercury’s retrograde motion will set off longer cycles of Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Neptune, bringing in concerns with plans for expansion or contraction and our relationship to imagination and the physical body.
One of the surest ways to gather benefits from the extremely consequential conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (March 2024 to May 2027) is to cultivate and maintain a solid connection to the physical body and sensorial experience, spending time with the rhythms and pace of Earth’s seasons. Steadying our minds and moving at the pace of the body is also indicated by Mars’ retrograde (October 4 to May 3), which will be heating up this month. Mars’ retrograde can naturally slow our progress, but redefining “progress” in terms of the excellence that results from moving at the right pace could be helpful. It’s difficult with Mars’ long opposition to the intensification of Pluto, though, as this influence amplifies our drive to achieve and to already be at a final destination.
Full Moon in Taurus
Sun Opposite Uranus
Night skies grow brighter each day as the Moon waxes full, reaching her exact opposition to the Scorpio Sun in the sure and steady sign of Taurus on November 15 at 1:28 p.m. US/Pacific. The Moon’s fully illuminated body conjoins with Uranus's shocking and revelatory genius, offering us all a chance to see and acknowledge unconscious facets of ourselves and our behaviors or perhaps to recognize a surprising truth about those closest to us.
Moon-Uranus can be agitating and destabilizing, and with this Full Moon in the sign of Taurus, it could turn up some different flavors of fear around survival or sustenance as the dialogue between Taurus and Scorpio waltzes around themes of attachment and desire, material sufficiency and lack, and emotional trust and betrayal.
Whether or not we’re fully aware that our instinctual needs are stirred up, many of us may be hot and reactive as a result, speaking or acting before we think things through. If we can access restraint and explore whatever is agitated, we may experience some important changes of heart thanks to the influence of Uranus, whose energies support the movement towards greater authenticity and autonomy. We might even use this lunation to deliberately inquire into behaviors or reactions that have caught our attention lately or to try to understand feedback or reflections of ourselves from others that don’t quite make sense. These may relate to envy, jealousy, rage, or other emotions or attitudes we typically reject and suppress.
However, we should take care not to blow our observations out of proportion or allow them to take on exaggerated shapes, as the mind of Mercury may be tempted to create big stories as they oppose the magnifying powers of Jupiter (exact November 18). It is more helpful to slowly digest insights or new information before drawing any sweeping or definitive conclusions.
So many of us will feel our will and drive to achieve or protect what we love, which is entirely activated by this November 15 lunation, yet also somehow constrained or restrained until a few days have passed. We may need time to process a shock to our system, or we know ourselves well enough to allow excited inspiration some time to settle out of expanded visionary states so they may fruitfully enter the creative limitations of material reality.
Mars Retrograde
Mars Opposite Pluto
Mars Sextile Uranus + Trine Neptune
Another symbol of the power of slowing down ironically comes to us from the planet of fast moves, Mars. Mars is made of willpower and action but is slowing down to turn around and move into retrograde motion on December 6. He will back up through the playful sign of Leo and the nurturing sign of Cancer until February 23, when he will move forward to retrace his footsteps until May 3. The overall picture of this retrograde and the aspects Mars will make suggest that deep healing through therapeutic processes could be possible.
Those of us who already have a suitable container with enough safety and skillful holding could find relief from past traumatic experiences occurring in our infancy through pre-adolescence while passing through this seven-month transit’s transformative fires. Others ready to begin working through difficult childhood experiences may find it helpful to build a supportive container—for example, locating appropriate healing arts practitioners—under these skies, perhaps because we feel the push to do so.
Mars’ high energy will also ignite the long-term transit of Uranus sextile Neptune (August 2023 to June 2029), making exact aspects to these two planets in late October, mid-January, and early April 2025, throwing fuel on the longer process of forging a new relationship with the divine. The Uranus-Neptune cycle drives spiritual epiphanies and renewal, sparking collective dreams of deeper communion with Earth, spirit, and each other.
Many of us may be called to reflect on our relationship to the technological filters on our perception and relationships, particularly if we notice how our will and direction (Mars) are affected by those filters. Others may seek out or simply wrestle with connection to our longing and desires for a better present and brighter future.
This retrograde also carries Mars through a long and intense opposition to the planet of evolutionary power, Pluto (exact November 4, January 5, and April 18, 2025), which will turn up the volume on ambition, sexual desire, and the drive to compete and win. Retrograde periods of Mars generally tend to slow our progress, which could drive us to pursue excellence and experience frustration. Pluto’s strong presence can amplify our drive, and yet we can feel hampered or perhaps even intimidated by the tasks or actions that seem to be calling us. The philosopher Bayo Akomolafe has said, “The times are urgent; let us slow down.” This phrase could provide a very useful mantra or meditation for Mars’ retrograde period.
The very long influence of Mars-Pluto will benefit from adrenal support, emotional support, and nervous system regulation. Such supports are far from an attempt to bypass whatever is difficult or may call us to our edge; they are what can help us to be present to what is happening and be responsive rather than reactive.
It may be tempting to get caught up in a worrying story or a panic, which would undermine our health and also make it hard to see the decisions that are before us. The clarity of a strong mind-body-heart connection can help break us out of unnecessary agitation and be in touch with our courage, providing a heart-centered path for Mars-Pluto to travel.
Mars is firing plenty of energy into Pluto's final ingress into the sign of Aquarius on November 17, where Pluto will travel until 2044. That’s why we compiled a very special write-up on Pluto's time in Aquarius just for you, and it’s a particularly illuminating one!
Herbs for Emotional, Adrenal + Nervous System Support

Full Moon in Taurus by Moon Sign
The Moon represents who we are before we even think about who we are. She represents our instinctual self, and she describes our deepest vulnerabilities as well as our most profound capacity to connect with others. Full Moons amplify energy and emotions, and this lunation pricks our animal instinctual needs, bouncing between impulsive reactivity and feeling the pressure of constraints or limitations.
Let’s see how the Taurus Full Moon impacts your own Moon placement!
Aries Moon
Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in your life could cause you to become restless and trigger-happy, Aries Moon. It’s wonderful to tap into the vision and intuition of what is emerging, but try broadening your view to accept more and surrender to growth and change. Let the Taurus Full Moon bring its bounty to you at the right time.
Taurus Moon
This is your Full Moon of 2024, Taurus Moon! About six years ago, the planet of innovation, disruption, and rebellion, Uranus, entered your zodiac sign and began dislodging you from stale patterns mired in typical Taurean resistance to change. This is the last Full Moon in Taurus that will include a conjunction with trickster Uranus before Uranus heads off to Gemini in 2025. This lunation is likely to ignite your courage to step outside of power struggles to make definitive changes in service of your growth and the health and well-being of all you call family.
Gemini Moon
The Taurus Full Moon might be an excellent ally in sloughing off old traumas or wounds, which time has helped to heal. Don’t worry if joy comes to visit you, Gemini Moon; you can trust in this expansion of your spirit.
Cancer Moon
Hidden resources dwell beneath the surface of the Taurus Full Moon, and they may initially feel a little scary or overwhelming. Your willingness to invent or be invented by the times, places, and spaces that need you to pave the way for fresh vistas and promising new developments, Cancer Moon.
Leo Moon
This lunation may shine a light on feelings of rejection or unworthiness, Leo Moon, and yet give you a chance to flip the script on some of that story. The Taurus Full Moon can help you retrieve wisdom from difficult experiences and take charge of bringing your will further into the world.
Virgo Moon
Fires of transformation are burning brightly within the Taurus Full Moon, and you may find yourself on a pilgrimage to the sacred, seeking a remedy for disorientation or feeling a bit adrift. It’s possible to remove sources of depletion and dispersion from your life, Virgo Moon, just by taking a second, more objective look at what you’ve already clearly identified as problematic.
Libra Moon
You might find your sense of dependency and all the vulnerabilities related to your enmeshment with others stirred up under the Taurus Full Moon. This lunation invites you to look bravely into your fears, Libra Moon, right down to the roots. Your dependence may be the source of the independence you crave.

Scorpio Moon
The Taurus Full Moon has the potential to break you out of any problematic or stuck and stagnant places that may have been lingering too long in your heart, Scorpio Moon. Listen closely for the cosmic heartbeat that dwells within, and let the sweetnesses in life trickle on in.
Sagittarius Moon
It can be tempting to lash out at others and wound them like we have been wounded, Sag Moon. This Taurus Full Moon may present you with quite the temptation. Still, healing your heart instead of hurting others will provide superior protection and support for the neverending dance with trust and intimacy.
Capricorn Moon
This lunation heralds some fresh beginnings for you, Capricorn Moon, and as with all new openings, a little bit may still be murky. Don’t let the discovery process cast doubt on the powers of your intuition and the solid inner guidance that is moving you now. Trust in the gradual unfolding of what is illuminated under the Taurus Full Moon.
Aquarius Moon
The Taurus Full Moon may raise questions about your alliances and those you associate with as friends or even professional networks. Take time with your communications, Aquarius Moon, and ensure you have all the essential details before acting on any new or surprising information—walking in integrity with your own value set can help steady you.
Pisces Moon
Beware of getting swept up in exaggerations, Pisces Moon, as this lunation may trigger flights of fancy that carry you away from yourself. You might try holding back and observing, relaxing your mind, and letting the Taurus Full Moon bring you into feelings you may not have acknowledged before. You might tap into some surprising new solutions for old problems.
Interested in a personalized astrological reading, intuitive reading, or healing ritual?
Get in touch with Erica here for a deep dive into archetypal astrology.