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Palo Santo Ritual Set | BUNDLE

Regular price
$ 64.00
Regular price
Sale price
$ 64.00

Sacred Tree Magic

Valued at $68.5!

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) is a particularly magical tree, and family of trees, that has been used since ancient times for healing, purification and ritual. It was and is often used by many Indigenous tribes for limpias - a technique where the smoke is used for cleansing and purification. 

Our Palo Santo comes from the Chiclayo region of Peru where it is ethically wildharvested by a small family of farmers. The family that we work with only uses trees that have naturally died. They do not induce death to the tree, which is often seen in Palo Santo's commerce. They also work with governmental agencies in Peru that protect and assist in reforestation of this precious and ancient tree. We would only support the most ethical extraction of this tree. We are also proud to directly support a family that has been stewards of these lands for generations.

The Palo Santo Ritual Bundle Contains: 

Palo Santo Essential Oil: Our Palo Santo Essential Oil is among the best oils to use via direct palm inhalation for its clearing and inspiring properties. It has settling, calming and grounding qualities, thus making it a great ally for maintaining emotional equanimity, as well as a superb oil for spiritual uplift.

Palo Santo Protection Myst: A way to purify and bring the spirit of sacredness into your space. Palo Santo is regarded as the Tree of Life in many cultures, for its potent ability to cleanse the soul. Within its deep aromatherapeutic notes you find a wide range of healing benefits for body and mind.*

Palo Santo Wood Incense Bundle: Palo Santo is a mystical tree that grows near the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh and Copal. Use a candle, match or lighter to ignite your stick of Palo Santo. The rich smell will also bring peace and clarity to the moment along with good feelings.*

Sending a gift? 

Our gift wrapping is inspired by the Japanese furoshiki method, which is a beautiful technique using cloth. We use 100% muslin cloth with additional sprigs of Juniper tucked in to the fabric to beautify your gift sustainably and lovingly.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Palo Santo Ritual Set | BUNDLE
Palo Santo Ritual Set | BUNDLE
Palo Santo Ritual Set | BUNDLE

Product Highlight

Palo Santo

All of our Palo Santo goods are 100% sustainably grown and ethically harvested in Peru. We work directly with a native family from the Chiclayo - Lambayeque region in northern Peru. They ethically cultivate these naturally fallen trees, while replanting in the wild. Our Palo Santo oil is distilled on the farmers' land.


We follow the highest manufacturing standards with passion! 

Anima Mundi is a family owned and operated business. Our superfoods are made in an FDA registered and cGMP certified facility, made in the U.S. with certified organic herbs and wild harvested plants in a vegan and gluten free kitchen. Our products contain zero fillers, binders or flow agents. They are lab tested for purity and efficiency.